Mental Wellbeing Resources and Support

Healthwatch provides information of health and social care services in the local area to support members of the public to help them make choices about health and care services.

Shout 85258 is a free service to support the mental health and welbeing for adults and young people.
The young person simply texts ‘shout’ to 85258 to start a conversation when in need of support. The service is free, confidential and available 24/7.
The service is available for anyone of any age who is resident in the UK and they can help with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, relationship problems, bullying, feeling overwhelmed or isolation.
Further resources and support can be found at:

Mind offer information and support for people living with mental health difficulties or supporting someone who is. If you’re finding things hard emotionally right now, particularly due to the pandemic, you’re not alone. Mind are there to provide information and support.

‘Action for Happiness’ calendar
Please click the link to see hints and tips to help us all create a kinder and happier world.