Google Classroom – Support and Tips
Our school is using Google Classroom to support your child’s remote learning. To help with this we have added a few tips and guides to support your child’s learning.
Below is a short video tutorial on accessing Google Classroom, completing work and ‘turning in’ to your teacher.
- Use Google Chrome as the search engine
- If you are using a tablet or a mobile phone, you can download the google classroom app.
- You will need to sign out of all google / gmail accounts and then sign in using the students gmail & password issued by the school
- On the top right of the screen, you will see 9 dots / squares – click on this to drop down the app menu and select classroom
- A list of student work will appear that had been added by their teacher
- The student will need to click in this work and complete as per instruction
- If you cannot edit the document, the work can be completed on paper or in their workbook. A photograph of the completed work can be emailed to or upload the photograph to their assignment using the google classroom app
- To submit any completed work the student needs to click on the black ‘turn in’ button or the blue ‘mark as done’ button if they have submitted the work by email.
As mentioned earlier, Google Classroom integrates other Google apps and services as well. You can use YouTube Video, Google Docs file, Google Sheets file, or even Google Drawing file to submit your assignments.

Open the class > Classroom > Open an assignment and tap add or create under Your work menu. It will open a sliding menu with the option to add file from various sources – Google Drive, direct link, attach a file and you can even create new documents.
If you have specific doubt or query, you may not want to engage in the general discussion since it would be visible to everyone in the class. Google Classroom offers Private comments function to talk to teachers directly. That discussion remains private and isn’t visible to the rest of the class.

Open a class, go to Classwork > view assignment, and you will see the Private comments section on the right side. Use it to discuss things about the project with teachers in private. If you use Class comments in an assignment, then it will be visible to the entire class.