School Councillors 2021/22
We are pleased to introduce our School Councillors for the academic year 2021/22. They were elected following a ballot process and will be lead by our Inclusion Officer, Mrs. Kilpatrick. The Councillors will meet with Mrs. Kilpatrick on a half termly basis as a group, but will hold discussions with their classes on a more frequent basis. The role of the School Councillor is to have input regarding some of the decision making within school. During their first meeting, the Councillors decided upon a ‘hat and cap day’ to raise funds for ‘Children’s Cancer North’ which is based at Royal Victoria Hospital in Newcastle.
L-R (back) – Oliver (Y4NT), Layla (Y4MT), Mrs. Kilpatrick, Ellie (Y5LJ), Benji (Y6DM)
L-R (front) – Lily (Y5/6AW), Covenant (Y3SB/RH), Alfie (Y2TH), Lacey (Y3HI)