Safer Internet Day 2021
Today, Tuesday 9th February 2021, is Safer Internet Day, and here at Firthmoor Primary, we got involved as we do each year.
Y3/4LJ – Miss Jamieson
Y3/4LJ became internet detectives! The children watched this video clip – and decided whether they thought the information was true/false. They thought about how finding false information on the internet makes them feel. The children looked at a range of photographs and tried to work out which were real and which had been manipulated. They were able to explain their thoughts. They then looked at how to find out if a website is reliable and what they should do if they think something is inaccurate/unreliable. The children looked at the BBC Bitesize website and thought about how reliable it might be, using question prompts to help them.
Y2TH – Miss Heslop
Y6DM – Miss Murray
Jasmine from Year 6 sent in this video of a scenario she had created surrounding a cyber bullying incident, and she was appealing to the perpetrator to recognise her mistake and apologise to the victim.