Performance Poetry
3SB/RH made the most of the warm weather today and went outside to try our hand at some performance poetry. Each group took on the character of an animal from…
Year 6 Visit to Locomotion
Year 6 had the opportunity to visit Locomotion on Thursday as part of the In2 Project. We all got the train from Darlington Station to Shildon then spent the morning…
Nursery and Reception Police Dog Visit
Nursery and Reception were excited to meet PCSO Claire and her Police dogs Jet and Ben when they came into school this week. PSCO Claire told the children all about…
Before the holidays Year 5 and Year 6 were able to take part in a STEM workshop being run by the RAF. All the children did some incredible work, but…
Attendance Assembly
Well done to everyone who had 98% attendance and was punctual during the spring term earning themselves a book of their choice. It's amazing to see so many happy faces…
Year 5 Rail Safety
The children enjoyed taking part in engaging workshops about rail safety with the Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership. The children were introduced to the ‘Rail Safe Rules’ and then put…