Remembrance Peg Doll Soldiers
To commemorate Remembrance Day and to teach the importance of remembering the sacrifices of those who served our country during the wars, our children and staff have created an art…
Lucas’ Dance Success
Lucas in Year 5 recently attended a dance competition outside of school and went on to win four different trophies. He performed a mix of lyrical and modern dances, winning…
Meet our new School Councillors for 2022/23
As part of our focus on British Values, the children have been learning about Democracy. They have used our ballot box to vote in their classes to create this year's…
Key Stage 2 Cross Country
On 29th September, a team of 23 children from Y3 to Year 6 represented Firthmoor Primary School at the Darlington Cross Country Competition. To be chosen as a team member,…
Collecting Fieldwork – Y4/5MT Geography
As part of our Local Area Geography topic, Y45MT took a walk to the local nature reserve. The Maidendale Fishing and Nature Reserve is only a 10-minute walk from the…