Reception visit to Catterick Farm
The children in our Reception classes enjoyed a visit to Catterick Farm where they had a lovely time petting lots of animals and exploring a tractor!
Our special visitor
Children recently welcomed a special visitor into school. Deacon the Guide Dog works for RNIB, and he and his humans came in to tell us about the fantastic work they…
Mayor’s ‘Eurovision’ Song Contest
Thirteen children from Year 5 and 6 were recently chosen to enter the Darlington Mayor’s School Song Contest. After practising for many weeks, the children had a brilliant evening performing…
World Book Day 2023
Children have had a fantastic day today, as they marked World Book Day 2023 by dressing up and participating in age-related World Book Day activities in class. The EYFS/KS1 children…
Incredible Eggs!
This week, our Reception children have watched some eggs hatch into fluffy little chicks! The eggs were brought in by the company 'Incredible Eggs'. They deliver eggs to schools that…