Healthy Lifestyles Survey 2021 – Results

During the Autumn Term 2021, all children in Years 5 and 6 completed a Healthy Lifestyle Survey which is provided by Darlington Borough Council. Most other schools in Darlington also complete this survey. It helps us to collect information on aspects such as health and wellbeing, internet safety, peer pressure and relationships. This information is then used in school to develop lessons and activities.
- Children report that they are happy about their lives but can feel stressed due to friendship difficulties and, to a lesser extent, family conflicts. They feel safe in school and most know who to talk to if they don’t feel safe.
- Some children report taking part in low level anti-social behaviour outside of school but the children’s perception of the amount of children that they think have participated in anti-social behaviour is higher than the actual amount. The children’s perception of bullying is that two thirds are bullied when actually only a small number of children felt they had been bullied in the playground but had shared this with a member of staff.
- 75% of pupils now spend more time online than they did previously with 73% playing 12+ rated games.
- Physical activity responses show that children enjoy exercise and understand that it keeps them fit and healthy, helps manage body weight and shape and is for enjoyment. The children have a very good understanding of nutrition and 45% say that they eat healthily most of the time.
- Most children report that they have never had an alcoholic drink and none have smoked a cigarette or vape. The children’s perception is that a third have tried smoking and vaping when actually none have.
- The children have good teeth brushing routines but need educating that mouthwash is not to be used to rinse out after brushing. 80% know that teeth should be cleaned for 2 minutes and 59% clean twice a day. 37% of children have a filling.
In school, we will continue to work on some of the issues highlighted from the survey including:
Modern Technology
The school continues to be part of Darlington’s Internet Safety Partnership. Our Y5 Cyber Squad are available for peer support in staying safe online. Children in all year groups follow a series of lessons as part of the Computing curriculum.
The school will take part in Internet Safety Day on 8th February 2022 with the theme: All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.
Digital footprint will be looked at as part of our curriculum and the impact of images and videos being shared online.
Online safety and Cyber-Bullying lessons will take place in all year groups during Computing and PSHE lessons. The following year groups will access specialist workshops provided by Darlington Internet Safety Partnership:
Year 4 – Cyber-bullying and developing healthy relationships online.
Year 5 – Exploring fake news and facts
Year 6 – Video game awareness – age- appropriate gaming
Dental Health
Dental Health lessons will be taught as part of our PSHE and Science Curriculum.
We will use news headlines as part of our teaching on safety including riding bikes safely with a helmet and crossing the road safely.
Children moving up into Year 5 and Year 6 in September will complete the next survey.