Christmas Performances – Year 3/4/5
Christmas Performances - parents may attend 10:00am – Miss Jamieson & Miss Trainer’s class 1.30pm – Mrs Blagg/Howland & Miss True’s class
Christmas Performances - parents may attend 10:00am – Miss Jamieson & Miss Trainer’s class 1.30pm – Mrs Blagg/Howland & Miss True’s class
Christmas Performance – parents may attend 2.00pm – Mrs Morrow, Mrs Irwin & Miss Heslop’s class
Christmas Performance 10.15-11.15am - Nursery, Mrs Duffy, Mrs Smith and Mrs Coad’s class
Come along to our first Daisy Chain coffee morning! Daisy Chain will be here to answer any questions you may have about the neurodevelopmental pathway and give advice on how to seek support for children who are showing sensory sensitivities. Event will be held in the school hall from 9.30am. We hope you can join […]
All pupils are welcome to dress as a character from a book or alternatively, they may wish to dress in their comfy clothes and bring their favourite book to school.
Friday 15th March 2024 will be a 'dress-down' day in school. Children can come to school in non-uniform or they may wish to dress all in red as we celebrate Red Nose Day 2024. We are asking for a £1 contribution towards the appeal, which you can send in to school with your child.
School will close on Thursday 28th March and re-open on Monday 15th April