Our nursery offers places to children a term after they are 3 years old. Our nursery offers both 15 and 30 hours provision per week, 09:00 am – 12:00am . If parents wish to register their child for a place in Nursery they are welcome to submit an application during the year in which their child has their second birthday. Early registration is recommended because places are limited.
If you would like to register your child to attend our nursery, please contact the school office to complete an application form.
School Admissions
Darlington Borough Council manages our school admissions and appeals on our behalf. More information about our admissions criteria and appeals process can be accessed using the links below. If you would like to visit our school, please contact the school office and we would be happy to arrange an appointment for someone to show you around.
Admission Arrangements for pupils with Special Educational Needs
Normal admission arrangements will be followed for pupils with ‘SEN or Disabilities’. We endeavour to be a fully inclusive school.
All children will be treated according to their needs in line with the schools Equality policy and we will take all steps possible to provide effective educational provision. All pupils are welcome, including those with Special Educational Needs, in accordance with Darlington Borough Council’s Admission Arrangements.
If a pupil is transferring into the school with an EHP or has been in receipt of receiving additional support from LA centrally funded resources in their previous setting, continuation of this support will be negotiated to ensure that needs can be met.
Applications for Reception Places 2025 / 26
Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 are eligible to start school in Reception in September 2024. Parents/carers have a right to express a preference for a primary school(s) but there is no guarantee that a place can be allocated at one of them. If you wish to apply for a place at Firthmoor Primary, you will need apply using the following link:
Applying for a Primary School Place
The easiest way to apply is completing the online application form through Darlington Borough Council. If you do not have access to the internet, then an application form can be obtained from the School Admissions Team. Forms should be returned to the School Admissions Team no later than 15 January 2025.
Offer Date
Darlington Local Authority will issue decision letters by 17 April 2025. Parents will have an initial 14 working days to respond to the offer letter to accept/decline the school place offered. You are required to reply to the offer by 30 April 2025. They will then receive a reminder letter and after 21 working days from the offer being made, the LA will then look to withdraw the offer.
The Head Teacher cannot offer your child a place or guarantee that a place will be available. Any enquiries regarding the process contact the School Admissions Team on 01325 406333 or email
Admission Appeals – Timetable and Parents Guide
Admission appeal panel complaints
Darlington Borough Council – School Admissions
Pupils Transferring to Secondary School in September 2025
Children who were born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 will transfer to secondary school in September 2025. Parents/carers have a right to express a preference for a secondary school(s) they prefer but there is no guarantee that a place can be allocated at one of them.
Transition Days
Once a child has been allocated a school place the Local Authority will pass their details onto the receiving school. The secondary school will contact the primary school that the child is currently attending and arrangements will be made for a visit to their future school.
How to Apply
The easiest way to apply is to complete the online application form via Darlington Borough Council – Starting Secondary education . Applications open on 11 September 2023.
If you do not have access to the internet, then an application form can be obtained from the Schools Admissions Team. The deadline for secondary school applications is 31 October 2023. Offer letters will be issued on 1 March 2024.
Parents will have an initial 14 working days to respond to the offer letter to accept/decline the school place offered. You are required to reply to the offer by 20 March 2024.
If you do not respond you will receive a reminder letter and after 21 working days from the offer being made, the LA will then look to withdraw the offer.